The City of Plymouth Department of Municipal Services is responsible for the following:
Solid Waste
Providing convenient collection of trash, recycling, compost from curbside and drop off locations.
Water and Sewer Systems
Providing safe and reliable drinking water for all residences and businesses. Ensuring dependable removal of waste and drainage.
Streets and Parking
Ensuring the road network and parking lots are safe, clean, and well-lit.
Trees and Forestry
Maintaining of the City’s street tree canopy and green infrastructure.
Parks and Playgrounds
Ensuring a clean and safe environment for recreation.
Riverside Cemetery
Providing a public stewardship of your loved one’s final resting place.
Snow and Ice
Performing an aggressive response to each snow event to ensure roads and sidewalks are safe and passable.
As first responders, DMS employees are on-call 24-hours a day, seven days a week.